Sunday, 13 July 2008

If I only had the time...

Who hasn't said to himself... gee, if I only had the time I would do ______.

If I only had the time, I would read the New Yorker and Economist from cover to cover every week, and would read through the stack of magazines that have gone untouched due to lack of time
If I only had the time, I would spend more time at the gym
If I only had the time, I would learn to play piano
If I only had the time, I would paint my garage door
If I only had the time, I would volunteer more
If I only had the time, I would catch more afternoon movies
If I only had the time, I would finish writing the book I've been working on for years
If I only had the time, I would update my will
If I only had the time, I would blog more frequently
If I only had the time, I would spend more time with my stay-at-home-mom friends
If I only had the time, I would clean my basement, and my garage, and my car
If I only had the time, I would meditate
If I only had the time, I would spend more time creating beautiful things
If I only had the time, I would finish some of my projects in progress

I was laid off from my job on Thursday. While there are details still to be sorted out, and plans to be made, I now have some time.

Where will I start? Stay tuned...

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